Ursus, here we come!

So, on Monday 22nd October second years will depart for Ursus, Warsaw and thus begins our final year project. We are now teamed up in groups of 2 or 3 for our Urban Strategy which will be presented at the end of this term. First things first though – over the next few weeks our focus is on contextual analysis and building our understanding of the site, and of Warsaw.

Our site in Ursus, although the red line is more of a guideline really…

Warsaw…. and Ursus

We have a pretty full schedule in the first week, whereas the second week is a bit more free allowing us time to explore the site and its context, as well as the city and its environs.

We are grateful to our hosts, Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Rozwoju Ursusa*, to have invited us to contribute to the ongoing dialogue regarding the future of Ursus. We’re looking forward to meeting the parties involved and hope that we can offer fresh perspectives on potential/alternative opportunities for a more sustainable and resilient Ursus.

We have been promised that internet access will be available in our accommodation so stay tuned for updates from Ursus!

*Association for the Development of Ursus. Here is a video that our hosts have produced which documents current production activities on the site.

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